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The #4 LOD Challenge Day "LOD Challenge Salon" was held at the offices of DreamCom Inc in Meguro, Tokyo on September 14. Theme: LOD Challenge Day Connected to Hackathon
第4回LODチャレンジデー:LODサロン | PeaTiX http://peatix.com/event/18976
今年度のLODチャレンジでは,「つながる」を大きなコンセプトとして掲げています.今回のLODチャレンジデーでは,このコンセプトの1つの実現の形として「つなげるLODチャレンジデー」... powered by PeaTiX : Easy event & ticket creation online
更新: 2013年9月17日 (David_Gifford)
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This will be an English version of the Sports and LOD Idea page by Otomori-san. (in progress!)
更新: 2013年9月17日 (David_Gifford)
アイデア 詳細
"Sports and LOD" Update: Sep 16, 2013 (nobuotto = Otomori-san) Group Member: David Gifford, Shigeru Kobayashi 小林茂, Shinichi Nagano 長野伸一, Noboyuki Otomori 乙守信行


作成:2013年9月14日, 更新:2013年9月16日


更新: 2013年9月17日 (David_Gifford)
アイデア 詳細
This idea was born from the idea created at the 2nd LOD Challenge day Ideathon on August 10. "Through the open information about regional sports and across the country, you will get help in child-rearing by wide knowledge of the sports environment that has become a regional strength. By providing easy to analyze data of various sports, a choice can be made for a place to raise children of their own area suitable for promoting children's physical fitness of children, and even win in the Olympics. At the same time raise awareness of the Olympics by using familiar sports data, and make distinctive regional competitions widely known even though these sports had only a minor role so far."


作成:2013年8月7日, 更新:2013年9月16日


更新: 2013年9月17日 (David_Gifford)
画像 詳細
The original theme was a Sports themed Datathon with a fun implementation for a great many people, with services planned for the sports, so an idea with many perspectives was born regarding sports, education and so forth. ( People-> Datathon-> Service-> Sports )
更新: 2013年9月17日 (David_Gifford)
テキスト 詳細
in progress....
更新: 2013年9月17日 (David_Gifford)


